To provide the African American Leadership Organization with a public relations campaign to publicize their organization throughout Central Texas and to increase awareness about ALO over the next six months.
1. Create and implement “ALO” branding and logo
- Implement seamless branding on all letterhead, social media and public advertisements.
2. Increase the number of social media followers by 100% percent over the next three months. (Currently at 15 Facebook likes and no Twitter account)
3. Develop traditional media campaign
- Create and release a PSA on ALO’s upcoming Health Forum on October 29th. Also create a timeless, general PSA for ALO to use when explaining the organization, or when speaking at a conference.
- Create a new Health Forum flyer- illustrating the organization, the different paths its public relations team can take when designing advertisements.
- Create a brochure, stating its goals and upcoming events for potential members.
-Send one to two press releases to the Waco-Tribune Herald in preparation for ALO’s Health Forum in late October.
Increase ALO’s traditional and new media presence.